Jumat, 01 April 2016


Menaker: Hadapi MEA, Pekerja Harus Dilatih Keterampilan
By Achmad Sudarno on 27 Feb 2016 at 22:01 WIB
Liputan6.com, Bogor Menteri Ketenagakerjaan M. Hanif Dhakiri mengatakan tenaga kerja di Indonesia tidak perlu khawatir dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Karena tenaga kerja asing yang masuk harus mempunyai kompetensi sesuai dengan jabatan yang ditawarkan. Menurutnya, ada asumsi yang salah soal MEA, terutama terkait isu bakal maraknya tenaga kerja asing yang masuk Indonesia setelah berlakunya MEA. Sehingga pemerintah harus mengendalikan tenaga asing.
"Banyak yang berpikir MEA itu seolah – olah pekerja dari luar dengan dalam negeri saling berhadapan. Padahal bukan itu," kata Hanif usai menghadiri Musyawarah Besar Serikat Pekerja Panasonic Gobel di Bogor, Sabtu (27/2/2016).
Dalam menghadapi MEA, lanjut Hanif, bagaimana mendorong agar sumber daya manusia Indonesia mampu bersaing dengan pekerja asing.
"Prinsip yang harus dipegang adalah kerjasama dan kompetisi daya saing," kata dia.
Namun untuk menciptakan tenaga kerja yang handal, memiliki kemampuan intelektual dan keterampilan, harus ada sinergitas antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah.
"70 persen pekerja Indonesia lulusan SMA. Untuk bisa bersaing dengan tenaga asing harus ada peningkatan kemampuan intekektual dan keterampilan melalui pelatihan profesi," ujarnya.
Hanif menjelaskan, saat MEA yang dikhawatirkan justru nantinya banyak tenaga profesional dari dalam negeri memilih bekerja menjadi tenaga asing.
"Jika tingkat kesejahteraannya lebih tinggi, bisa saja mereka pilih bekerja di luar," pungkasnya. (Achmad Sudarno/Ndw)

Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) or in English ASEAN Economic Community is a form of cooperation between the countries of ASEAN member states that have a pattern integrate ASEAN economies by establishing free trade systems. ASEAN members includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Brunei Darussalam.
The main purpose MEA/ AEC who want to removes significant obstacles to economic activities the region, implemented through 4 main pillars, as follows:
-          ASEAN as a single market and production base.
-          ASEAN as competitive economic region.
-          ASEAN as an equitable economic development.
-          ASEAN as an integration into global economy.
Forms of cooperation undertaken by the MEA are as follows:
-          The development of the human resources and increased capacity.
-          Recognition of professional qualifications related.
-          Consultation more closer to the financial and economic macro policy.
-          Have a steps are in trade finance.
-          Improving infrastructure.
-          Developing the electronic transactions via e – ASEAN.
-          Merge all existing industries troughout the region in order to promote local resource.
-          Improving the role of the private sectors to build MEA.
In this article, M. Hanif Dhakiri as a minister of labor said that the Indonesian people should not worry in the facing of the MEA. This is because not all foreign workers into the domestic to compete because of the entry foreign workers must be compete for the positions offered.
In the facing of the MEA, the government has issued a presidential instruction No. 11 Tahun 2011 regrading the implementation of the MEA blueprint commitments in an effort to prepare for the free trade.
According to M. Hanif Dhakiri, how to Indonesian human resources be able to compete with a foreign workers. The principle that must be held in the facing of MEA is the cooperation competitiveness.
MEA is one way to establish or strengthen the skill and creativities of Indonesian peoples or domestic workers through the professional training to be able to compete with foreign workers who will compete with domestic workers. By improving the skill and creativities, domestic workers will be competitive and capable of rapidly developing industries in terms of jobs are becoming increasingly difficult.
Therefore the MEA is required in order to ASEAN, especially Indonesia’s competitiveness is increased and able to compete with developed countries, inability of the open flow of goods or services, but also market professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and others. For that the government should give more seriously consideration to facing the MEA with the strategic measures in favor of the interests of the people.
There are several steps have been made by the Indonesian workers by the government’s strategic plan to face the MEA/ AEC, as follows:
-          Strengthening economic competitiveness.
-          ACI’s programs (I love Indonesia).
-          Strengthening the sector of small medium micro enterprises (UMKM).
-          Infrastructure improvements.
-          Improving the qualities of human resources.
-          Institutional reforms and governance.